About K.T.

K.T. has dedicated her life to the theatre, music, and performance. A graduate of Iowa Playwrights Workshop, Towson University, and Indiana University, she loves to be around people who are refining their voices and trying new and scary things. As an adjunct, she teaches playwriting, acting, applied theatre, directing, and rhetoric. As a performer, she currently focuses on new play and musical development.
K.T. is directing the premiere of Mistake On the Lake, a very funny and smart new play by Trey Everett at Franklin College.
K.T.’s original comedy 2pm in Faith, Nebraska opens at University of Indianapolis. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2pm-in-faith-nebraska-tickets-777630924027
Razor Creek: a folk-rock, sci-fi musical, written with Paige Scott, goes up at the 2024 Iowa New Play Festival. https://arts.uiowa.edu/events/iowa-new-play-festival-2024/2024-04-29
She will direct What the Constitution Means to Me by Heidi Schreck at the Phoenix Theatre Indianapolis in fall 2024.
Her play Love Bird goes up at Off-Central Players in St. Petersburg, Florida in March, 2025.
K.T. currently lives in Indianapolis with her husband Matt and their daughter Lane.

K.T. Peterson